The Forum meeting on 20 September had a great turnout. The committee explained the work they had done so far to scrutinise the housing figures in the draft local plan, and to assess the impacts of the proposed developments on infrastructure and biodiversity in Whitburn. We provided a summary of the responses from the online survey on residents' views on the local plan as well.
Several people asked for a summary of the facts and figures and the survey responses we provided at the meeting, so they are in an informed position to respond individually to the draft local plan. You can find these here: You can still fill in our survey (online or paper copies available at the village barber), but we also encourage everyone to respond to the council directly. You can do this:
Melissa Morgan
9/23/2019 12:34:38 pm
400 houses! How many children will that be? When we moved here my boys were out of school for 6 weeks while i appealed for Marsden Primary to give them a place as both primary school's were full. We only got in because of special circumstances. Where will all those children go?
Michael Pearce
9/29/2019 06:10:57 pm
I’ve lived in the village since 76. In that time traffic has increased immensely and the infrastructure has not been upgraded at all. I was at the library the other day and I’m sorry to say the deals already done. The council is only interested in the new money these developments will bring, they’re not interested in the existing residents or the impact these new dwelling’s will have on the community or the infrastructure which is already at breaking point. We used to be a smaller community with a community centre and a sense of being. No longer.
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