Please take a few minutes read the following message from the chairman:
Dear Forum Members, The Whitburn Neighbourhood Plan gives you, the residents of Whitburn, the opportunity to shape the future of your village. The Plan aims to give you more say about how your area will be developed in the next 15 years. This Neighbourhood Plan is prepared by local residents for local residents, so to have your support is critical. Residents have found in the past that new development did not meet the needs of the community. Development was not in character with the village, it was often not affordable, poorly designed, and not supported by appropriate infrastructure. Now that new development is likely to take place as part of the emerging Local Plan, it is more important than ever to ensure that it brings benefits to the community and not just the developer. These are the areas of Whitburn potentially affected by development: WH8 Whitburn Lodge – 25 units. WH9a Land to North of Shearwater - 57 units WH9b Land to the East of Mill Lane, Whitburn - 40 units WH17 Land at Wellands Farm, Whitburn – 200 units WH19 Former Charlie Hurley Centre, Cleadon Lane, Whitburn- 75 units The attached file shows a map of Whitburn highlighting these sites. Have we got the infrastructure, (schools, doctors, roads, sewage treatment plant) to accommodate this development? If not, what should we be doing about it? We cannot stop development, but we can shape it and make sure it meets the needs of the residents of Whitburn. The Neighbourhood Plan aims to achieve this by creating a new vision for the future of Whitburn. Through this Plan we want to make sure that housing will meet the needs of the village, that the quality of design will be high and that heritage assets, community facilities and the natural environment are respected and protected. There has never been a more important time to have a powerful strategy for the development of Whitburn, which this Neighbourhood Plan is seeking to provide. We have tried hard to make sure the Plan reflects the views of residents in the village as well as local businesses. We have undertaken a significant amount of consultation to produce this Plan. This pre-submission draft consultation is our final stage of consultation and we will make further modifications based on the feedback we receive. The Plan will then be submitted to the Council for re-consultation and examination by a planning inspector. We would like your views on the Plan, and your comments about the policies we are proposing. Remember that due to the pandemic, the Plan can only be accessed online. To view the plan and to leave your comments go to Alternatively, please email [email protected], or write to 87 Shearwater, SR6 7SG. THE CLOSING DATE FOR COMMENTS IS SUNDAY 7 FEBRUARY SO PLEASE HURRY AND RESPOND AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO THE FUTURE OF WHITBURN. Regards Philip Leaf (Chair)
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