The Forum held a meeting yesterday evening to discuss the proposals for Whitburn Lodge. The Whitburn Lodge owners had approached the Forum with their plans to build houses on the Lodge and the car park (but not the horses field). We held the meeting with residents to gather views on this proposal. A summary of comments made by residents: - Residents find the current state of the Lodge unacceptable - Support for maintaining access to the coastal park from Mill Lane - Support for affordable housing, as long as it meets the need of Whitburn residents - Questions about whether it would be possible to keep Hope House - Concerns about impacts on wildlife, schools, facilities and traffic - Support for having a community centre - Concerns about loss of access to the stables - Concerns about setting a precedent for development on Green Belt - Support for preserving the gate posts and mining plaques as an entrance to the site If you would like to leave any additional comments, please fill in the form below. Comments are closed.